I found this violin ornament in my mom's junk-filled garage. Eve immediately knew what to do with it! She must be paying attention when I teach :) My mom said I can take home the violin on which I learned to play...it's only slightly bigger than this ornamental violin. Maybe I'll give Eve a few lessons when her attention span increases beyond 1 1/2 seconds.
Here's a little video to say we're still alive. Eve enjoys repeating over and over and over any words she can pronounce, the most recent of which is "yummy". Here she is, ranting and raving about my oatmeal:
Keyvan and I can't agree on when we actually met. It was sometime in either April or May of 2006, at a ward social in Provo Canyon. We played tennis for our first date, during which I learned that he spoke English. It took me a few more dates to realize that he was Persian, not East Indian, and a few dates after that to realize that I wanted to marry him. I professed my undying love shortly before boarding a plane to study in France for 4 months, during which we had long, expensive conversations lasting up to 5 hours. 4 months after I returned from France, Keyvan popped the question (in Provo Canyon), and 3 months after that, we were married! We live in Payson where Keyvan works as an Electrical Engineer. I work as a nurse doing Home Health and teach violin and piano lessons. Our daughter, Eve, joined our family January 2010 and makes us incredibly happy!